Deer don't look both ways

by · Castanet
Cindy White

Some new signs posted along Clifton Road are making drivers look twice. The hope is they will also make them slow down.

The signs come with messages like “Deer don’t look both ways” and “Slow down, kids aren’t invincible’. They were designed and erected by members of the Clifton Highlands Community Association.

“I have a little bit of a behavioral science background, so I thought of the things (that) if I’m driving and I see something, what’s going to make me thing twice,” said Tracy Rullkotter, one of the members of the community association executive.

“We recognized everybody at some point has gone above the speed limit. Sometimes it’s just that you’re just not paying attention. We wanted to do fun things that brought people’s attention back that wouldn’t put them in a negative head space.”

In recent months, Clifton Road and Glenmore area residents have expressed their concerns on social media about the number of deer being hit and killed on neighbourhood roads. Rullkotter is worried it could be a pedestrian or cyclist next.

The speed limit along most of Clifton Road is either 50 km/h or 60 km/h. She says as the community grows, more people are out on the streets, many that don’t have sidewalks.

“And so it’s really dangerous. People as they’re flying (by) they don’t necessarily see people because there’s a lot of bends and curves, with there being hills. It’s getting dark sooner, and so people just not seeing people. And especially as you start to get to conditions like snow, it is even worse because what little shoulder we might have, disappears in the snow,” said Rullkotter.

The Clifton Highlands Community Association will be giving out signs at a barbecue this Saturday to anyone who buys and association membership. Or, you can buy one at cost for $30.