A long chain of inclusion

by · Castanet

Pathways Abilities Society was in front of City Hall Friday to celebrate Community Inclusion Month and were joined by Mayor Tom Dyas, as well as many Kelowna residents who are living with diversabilities.

The Mayor made an appearance to show his support for the event and to read aloud the proclamation stating that October is Community Inclusion month in the city of Kelowna.

“The inclusion of people with diversabilities in all aspects of society enables people to share their skills, talents, and cultures and to secure the rightful place at home, at work, at school and in our community,” said Kelowna Mayor Tom Dyas.

Pathways is an organization in Kelowna that helps people living with diversabilities become contributing members to society, which includes finding them a place to work and live in the community.

“Basically, we are here to support their needs, and again, create a more inclusive community by getting them into the community, giving individuals living with diversabilities an opportunity to live more fulfilled lives and contribute to the community at large,” said Adam Less of Pathways Abilities Society.

“Everybody is somebody valuable, somebody who can contribute in unique ways. I’ve seen it from one end of town to the other in different businesses where we employ individuals or where individuals are employed and they are working in the high tech sector, they are working in office buildings, they are working in retail stores. They are doing the same jobs as able-bodied people.

To close out the 11th annual celebration of people living with diversabilities, a human chain was formed in front of City Hall, creating a public statement of inclusion for all.

“It’s a way to illustrate the differences between people and how important it is that all those people are valued no matter what their differences are, no matter who they are or what their backgrounds are.”

Following the event in front of City Hall, members of the community were invited to Pathways in Rutland, giving people the chance to further understand what the organization is all about.