Poor behaviour at project

by · Castanet
Photo: File photo

Vandalism and poor behaviour by some park users has forced the City of Vernon to make changes to the BX Sediment Pond Project.

A report to be presented to city council at their regular meeting Monday, says crews will be making changes to the fencing, installing a temporary irrigation system and replanting vegetation near the pond to meet the obligations of our permits with Department of Fisheries and Oceans over the next couple months.

“The fencing will be modified to completely enclose the vegetation on either side of the access to the water for the park users,” the report says.

“Additional informational signage will be included on the site to inform the park users of the importance of the pond for community flood protection as well as the communities obligation to the federal government to re-establish vegetation.”

The changes to the fencing and additional signage are in response to the continued vandalism and disrespectful behaviour from some park users towards the fencing, contractors and city employees.

The sediment pond project in Upper BX Creek is intended to manage the sediment deposition along BX Creek, significantly reducing pressure on key crossings and reducing the risk of flooding downstream.

More information about the city’s flood mitigation work can be found here.