Sysco helps feed homeless

by · Castanet
Sysco donated 500 lunch kits to the Kelowna Gospel Mission to be distributed to homeless people in the city.Photo: Kelowna Gospel Mission

The Kelowna Gospel Mission is putting out a big thank you to the people at Sysco.

The food distribution company delivered 500 lunch kits to support homeless people in Kelowna last week. Each bag was filled with a water bottle, granola bar, fresh fruit and chips.

The company also donated winter clothing to help those living on the streets stay warmer as cold winter weather sets in.

In a Facebook post, the Gospel Mission wrote, “Our Outreach Team will be sharing these life-saving resources with those in need, providing nourishment and comfort to those facing challenging times.
“Thank you, Sysco, and to every supporter who helps us bring light into the darkness.”

KGM launches a major fundraising campaign this week, with a pot of $150,000 ready to be matched by generous donors.

Like many other charities, the Kelowna Gospel Mission encourages donors to give online or in person instead of by mail this year to avoid their gift getting caught up in the backlog caused by the strike at Canada Post.

The 500 lunch kits will be distributed by the Outreach Team.Photo: Contributed