Horoscopes Oct. 20–26 - Horoscopes on the Horizon

· Castanet
Photo: Pixabay


This week, the Sun embarks on its annual journey through the sign of Scorpio, commencing the Scorpio season on the evening of Oct. 22. Governed by the planet Pluto, Scorpio embodies themes of power and profound transformation. This transit tends to feel a bit intense as it encourages exploration of intimacy and our deepest emotions, particularly in our connections with those nearest and dearest to us. The transformative energy of Pluto can lead to significant overhauls in our relationships. While this may seem daunting, view Scorpio season as a remarkable opportunity to reshape your life according to your true desires. Engage in meaningful conversations about your authentic feelings, cherish intimate moments, and harness the motivation needed to turn your dreams into reality.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

This week, you might find yourself yearning for change in your life. Before you impulsively overhaul everything, take a moment to concentrate on the small yet impactful aspects within your immediate control that can lead to positive results. Reflect on any detrimental habits you wish to eliminate, or dedicate some time to creating a budget to streamline your finances. You may experience heightened emotions this week, presenting a perfect opportunity to assess lingering issues from your past that no longer benefit you. While the week may feel intense at times, channel your energy toward positive transformations and personal growth.

Noteworthy day - On Oct. 24, you may be pleasantly surprised with some exciting news related to your home or finances.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

This week, you may feel drawn to seek support and guidance from others. Spending quality one-on-one time with individuals who genuinely want to see you thrive can provide you with valuable insights that propel you toward your personal goals. Consider confiding in someone who cares about you; it could be the key to reconnecting with your true potential. This is a prime opportunity to forge strong alliances that will pave the way for your success, fueled by meaningful conversations that inspire new ideas. Remember, this isn't the time to tackle all your challenges alone; take solace in the knowledge that your established partnerships are there to lift you up. All it takes is for you to reach out and ask for help.

Noteworthy day - On Oct. 22, stand firm and advocate for yourself if you sense that someone is attempting to assert control over you.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

This week serves as a crucial reminder to address any health concerns you've been overlooking and to revitalize your self-care practices. It's time to reestablish and commit to healthy habits to help you break free from any funk you may be experiencing. Ignoring these issues could significantly impact both your professional and personal responsibilities. Dedicate some time this week to develop a schedule that aligns with your health objectives and self-care requirements. Prioritizing your health is paramount, and by eliminating harmful habits and embracing positive ones, you'll empower yourself to tackle challenges in all aspects of your life more effectively.

Noteworthy day - On Oct. 22, a cheerful energy surrounds you, making it easy to find joy in the tasks you need to accomplish.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)
This week, you may find yourself yearning for more joy in your everyday life. If you’ve been feeling adrift or unfulfilled, take a moment to reflect on the activities that once brought you genuine pleasure. By reconnecting with those past joys, you can find ways to reintegrate them into your current routine. Now is the ideal time to explore new hobbies or revisit old favourites, focusing on self-expression and creativity. It may be as simple as rewatching a cherished film or rediscovering a classic TV series, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that indulging in old favourites can reignite the excitement and happiness you seek.

Noteworthy day - Trust your intuition on Oct. 21; it may reveal valuable insights that can enhance your sense of fulfillment.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

This week, your focus may revolve around enhancing your sense of security and establishing a sanctuary where you truly feel safe. It's essential to take the reins on certain matters at home to achieve the level of security you desire. For some, this period may involve moving to a new home or undertaking renovations, leading to feelings of instability. Take a moment to delve deep within yourself to identify what you specifically need to foster feelings of safety and belonging. Although life may seem a bit overwhelming right now, view this as a valuable opportunity to hone your prioritization skills and set boundaries that safeguard your inner peace.

Noteworthy day - On Oct. 24, emotions and stress may overwhelm you. Take a deep breath and engage in a calming activity.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

This week you may find yourself pulled in multiple directions by various activities and the people around you. As others reach out to connect, keep in mind that investing time in these relationships will undoubtedly strengthen your bonds. While your to-do list could seem overwhelming, try to concentrate on one task at a time and be patient with yourself if distractions arise during conversations. Building connections is crucial at this moment, even if it feels like a diversion from your responsibilities. You may also feel inspired by fresh ideas that can emerge from each interaction you have, opening up exciting new possibilities.

Noteworthy day - On Oct. 23, transform any feelings of envy towards others' success into motivation to pursue your own aspirations.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

This week, your focus will be sharp as you aim to enhance your financial stability and lay a more secure groundwork for your future. Whether you're putting in extra hours to save for a significant goal or pursuing a deeper sense of security, it's clear that you're striving for something meaningful. Your diligent efforts could yield rewards in the form of a new job opportunity or additional responsibilities. You could even begin considering selling items you no longer need to generate some extra cash. While it's essential to fortify your foundation, don't forget the importance of taking breaks and ensuring you get adequate rest to prevent any potential health concerns.

Noteworthy day - On Oct. 22, you may have to confront a lingering issue from your past. Addressing this challenge will empower you to finally close that chapter and embrace a fresh start moving forward.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

This week, you may find a surge of confidence in all your endeavours, sparking a wave of innovative ideas you're eager to explore. As Scorpio season unfolds, you'll likely feel a deeper connection to your authentic self, ready to showcase it to the world. This is your moment to shine, with others seeking your guidance and insights. If you've been grappling with personal identity or self-expression, now is the perfect opportunity to transform into the person you've always aspired to be. Embrace the notion that prioritizing your desires is not only acceptable but essential, allowing you to devote your energy to your personal growth and aspirations.

Noteworthy day - If you find yourself facing conflict on Oct. 22, view it as an opportunity from the universe to learn and grow.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

This week presents a wonderful opportunity for you to assess the people and situations in your life that no longer bring you joy. Dedicate ample time to rest and contemplate various aspects of your existence. You may find solace in solitude, craving the clarity that comes from hearing your own thoughts free from outside distractions. Use this moment to evaluate where your energy is best invested. Embrace this period as a stepping stone toward a fresh start, and thoughtfully choose what you want to carry forward with you, and what you wish to release.

Noteworthy day - Oct. 21 offers an ideal opportunity to reassess your current budget. You might discover that making some adjustments to your spending could help you achieve a new goal you’ve been considering.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

This week, you may find yourself inspired to explore new topics, ignited by something intriguing you encounter through reading or conversation. Your sociability is on the rise, and every interaction is likely to fuel your enthusiasm. Your confidence is palpable, making it easy for you to express yourself in various social settings. If you discover a subject that captivates you, seize the opportunity to dive deep into it—these insights could significantly enhance your personal journey in unexpected ways. Embrace this period of social engagement and knowledge acquisition; make the most of every invitation that comes your way!

Noteworthy day - On Oct. 23, you may experience heightened emotions. It's essential to remain grounded and focus on the reality of your situation rather than getting lost in your thoughts.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

This week could ignite a powerful urge to display your talents to the world. You may feel an overwhelming motivation to pursue a fresh career path that aligns more closely with your authentic self and the message you wish to share. Regardless of your current trajectory, this moment holds the potential to bring you the recognition and appreciation you've long desired. Seize this opportunity to highlight your distinct gifts and abilities. Don't shy away from entering a competition or advocating for your work to be showcased in a prestigious setting. Embrace this time and confidently present your offerings to the world, as it could open doors to thrilling new possibilities.

Noteworthy day - Oct. 25 could present a fantastic opportunity to embrace something new and exhilarating. Don't hesitate to fully immerse yourself in the experience!

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

This week, fully embrace every chance that piques your curiosity and ignites your passion. Venturing into new realms of knowledge could propel you towards uncharted opportunities you never thought possible. You'll likely meet individuals who are not only willing but eager to support and guide you on your journey, so take the time to appreciate the wisdom they share. The conversations you participate in this week carry immense significance; they hold the power to unlock exciting new beginnings in your life. Embrace these moments and the relationships you cultivate, for they could lead you to unforeseen and rewarding experiences.

Noteworthy day - Stay alert to the information you gather about a member of your friend group on Oct. 22. It's possible they don't have your best interests at heart.

This article is written by or on behalf of an outsourced columnist and does not necessarily reflect the views of Castanet.