Students launch pumpkins

by · Castanet
Photo: SD83

Grade 10 students at Armstrong's Pleasant Valley Secondary School sent pumpkins skyward recently as part of a fun competition.

The engineering students accepted the challenge to participate in the Great Pumpkin Launch at Armstrong’s Harvest Festival Oct. 12.

The mission of the pumpkin-launching event was to build a catapult, slingshot or trebuchet capable of launching pumpkins towards a downfield target.

There were no restrictions on design in the open class, other than it must be people-powered. Teams used pumpkins weighing about 2.26 kg (5 lbs).

In the junior class, pumpkins were smaller, weighing just one pound, and competitors had to use the provided plans for building a trebuchet.

PVSS teacher Peter Tujik said the Armstrong Chamber of Commerce invited the school to participate only a couple weeks prior to the event, leaving limited time to build a trebuchet.

“Because of the short timeline, they loaned us a junior trebuchet to use,” he said.

The challenge has since overflowed into the school, where the engineering students are competing in a school-based, small-scale throwing-machine competition.

Students are eager to return next year with a trebuchet of their own design, incorporating improvements based on what they observed this year.

The Engineer 10 students had an opportunity to watch the trebuchet in action at the school’s back field and are now designing and building their own small-scale throwing machines for a class competition.

“The pumpkin catapulting challenge gives students hands-on experience in critical and creative thinking while helping them develop competencies to become their most capable selves,” said a statement on the School District 83 website.

The Armstrong Chamber of Commerce invites schools and youth groups to showcase their pumpkin catapulting skills at next year’s festival.

For more information and to register, click here.

- with files from School District 83