Faculty members of Rani Anna Government College stage sit-in protest

by · The Hindu

The faculty members of Rani Anna Government College for Women in Old Pettai staged sit-in protest on their college premises on Friday evening demanding shifting of a problematic male professor from the college and reopening of classes for first year B. Com., which remains suspended after the birthday celebration of the male professor.

Problem started in the college after a male professor celebrated his birthday with a group of first year girl students in one of the classrooms which came to light after the video went viral on social media. Even though the professor under question claimed that the celebration was organised only by the students, the college administration informed the Regional Director of Collegiate Education about the incident.

The college administration, as demanded by other faculty members, urged the Regional Director of Collegiate Education to transfer the professor to some other government college.

Meanwhile, the students who celebrated the professor’s birthday threatened the college administration that they would end their life if action was taken against them. However, the college administration counselled the students and indefinitely suspended classes for the first year undergraduate commerce programme.

Since the students’ details have to be uploaded online and the first semester examination would commence shortly, the faculty members of the college urged the administration to resume classes for the first year students at the earliest.

As neither the administration nor the Regional Director of Collegiate Education are prepared to start classes for the first year students and the professor under question is yet to be shifted from the college, the faculty members started their sit-in protest on Friday evening which continued even after 9.20 p.m.

Published - September 27, 2024 09:32 pm IST