Chris Daly, owner of Peeco Ltd, in front of his shop off Manchester New Road, Middleton
(Image: LDRS)

Shopkeeper victorious after 10-month-long battle with council

by · Manchester Evening News

A shopkeeper’s 10-month-long battle with his council over a new showroom has ended with the local authority backing down.

Chris Daly, who owns Peeco Ltd in Middleton, decided to give his new shop a makeover at the end of 2023, but did so without the correct planning permission. In January, he submitted plans to rochdale-council>Rochdale council for a retrospective green light, but was refused.

The council told him he needed to reinstall the shutters and recreate the indented entrance to how it was before.

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But buoyed by the backing of locals, many of whom agreed the new shopfront was an improvement on the old look, Mr Daly decided to lodge an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate. After the appeal was dismissed, it looked as though the 41-year-old was destined to fork out thousands of pounds to change the shop back to how it was.

Chris Daly, owner of Peeco Ltd shop in Middleton
(Image: LDRS)

Mr Daly was left concerned for the future of his business, estimating it could cost around £20,000 to make the necessary changes. He said that the ‘harsh treatment’ from the council had left him feeling constantly stressed.

Mr Daly even considered spending thousands on a judicial review of the decision in the High Court, or getting a new premises in Cheshire. But at the eleventh hour, an email came through from the council that gave him instant relief.

Following the intervention of the council leader, Coun Neil Emmott, the local authority has done a U-turn on their decision. Coun Emmott, a West Middleton ward representative, has assured the business owner that the council will not take any further action.

Shop front of the Peeco Ltd shop on Manchester New Road, Middleton
(Image: Copyright Unknown)

Mr Daly said: “I knew this was affecting me but I didn’t know to what extent. Instantly it was like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. As a business owner it’s hard enough but honestly this has really drained me. It’s affected the way I think and perform in business and also it’s affected my home life and family.

“When I read the email I instantly felt lighter, happier and the passion for what I started came flowing back instantly. So it’s back to doing what we do best, improving homes and giving that service we got our reputation for which allowed us to be in a fortunate position to open our showroom in the first place.”

Mr Daly thanked all those who have supported him over the course of 2024. He described the overwhelming backing of the community as an ‘amazing feeling'.

Peeco shop front before the changes on Manchester New Road, Middleton
(Image: Google Maps)

Coun Emmott agreed in his letter penned to the businessman that the new shopfront was an improvement to the street scene. The letter read: “I and my fellow councillors recognise the need to provide certainty for you and your business and that you require clarity on the council’s position.

"I am of the opinion that the changes you have made have enhanced the premises in question and I am astonished that anyone could not see that. I have discussed the matter with the head of planning and we have agreed the council will not take further action against you.

“As the leader of the council I can therefore assure you that the council does not intend to take the matter further.”