(Image: Northumbria Police)

Woman suddenly turned on guest and stabbed her multiple times in horror attack

by · Manchester Evening News

A woman suddenly turned on her guest and stabbed her multiple times in a horror attack. Karina Keith had arranged for the other woman to attend her home but they fell out, before Keith knifed her in the leg multiple times.

Neighbours heard her screams for help and rescued her from the attack. Now Keith, 31, who admitted wounding with intent, has been jailed.

The Chronicle reports that Newcastle Crown Court heard police went to Keith's home at 6.30am on March 27 in response to reports of a woman shouting for help. They found the victim sitting on a communal staircase with stab wounds to her leg.

She pointed towards Keith's door and said she had been attacked by the occupier. Officers were initially unable to gain entry but Keith then came charging out with fists clenched and there was a struggle before she was arrested.

'She was punching, kicking her'

The attack took place after the victim had attended Keith's home the night before following a conversation on Facebook and an agreement they would socialise. Alcohol was bought and the messages also suggested drug consumption.

The victim had a limited recollection of events but said they had been discussing various matters. Neil Pallister, prosecuting, said: "The next thing she recalls is being on the bedroom floor next to a bed while she was repeatedly stamping on her. The defendant stabbed her in the leg a number of times, causing a number of wounds. She was taken to the RVI."

A mother who lives next door was told by one of her children around 6am that they could hearing someone shouting for help. Neighbours went to Keith's flat and found the front door open.

Mr Pallister said: "They found the defendant and the victim in the bedroom, with the victim lying on the floor and the defendant punching, kicking and stamping on her face."

The neighbours got the victim out of the flat but even as they did so, Keith followed, grabbing her by the hair and hitting her. They then noticed she was holding a knife.

The victim was bleeding heavily from stab wounds to her leg and also had bruising to her nose and under her eye, reddening to the side of her head and scalp and scratches to the back of her head. A blood-soaked T shirt and a blood spattered knife were found in the flat. Police also found a clump of the victim's hair, which had been pulled out.

When interviewed by police, Keith, of Whitbeck Road, Slatyford, said she couldn't remember the incident but when shown the injuries she said it made her feel sick.

Keith, who has 13 previous convictions, including for criminal damage, sending malicious communications and drink driving, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent. She was jailed for three-and-a-half years.

Andrew Walker, defending, said Keith pleaded guilty on the basis she had asked the other woman to provide her with pills but was given and consumed different drugs to those she expected and that this played a role in what happened. He said she was genuinely remorseful, adding: "She believes her period of incarceration has saved her from a spiral to the very bottom."

Mr Walker said Keith had a troubled childhood and wants to deal with her alcohol addiction and said she was shocked by her behaviour.