'We would all be happy with him completing his full sentence,' says Holly Archer, one of Mubarek Ali's victims(Image: SWNS.com)

Notorious child sex abuse gang leader makes sickening vow as he refuses to face up to crimes

The notorious ringleader of the Telford child sex abuse scandal, Mubarek Ali, is refusing to address his heinous crimes. The disturbed 41-year-old targeted 100 vulnerable teens for child prostitution along with five other men.

by · The Mirror

A ringleader of a notorious sex grooming gang vowed to “sit out” his sentence in jail rather than be treated for his perverted offending. Evil Mubarek “Max” Ali was part of a gang who abused children as young as 13 for three years.

He, his brother Ahdel “Eddie” Ali and five other men are believed to have targeted 100 vulnerable teenagers in Telford, Shropshire. Mubarek Ali was jailed for 14 years in 2012 for causing and controlling “child prostitution” and trafficking for sexual exploitation.

He was automatically released in 2017, at the halfway point of his sentence, but recalled to prison nine months later for breaching his licence conditions. A parole hearing in July rejected his latest bid for freedom, citing his callous attitude towards his vile crimes and his lack of remorse.

A written summary stated: “Probation reported in 2021 that Mr Ali displayed anti-social and pro-criminal attitudes and had stated repeatedly that he would rather ‘sit out’ his sentence than engage with work to address his risk of offending. “Mr Ali was considered to evidence a distrust of the criminal justice service and had failed to accept responsibility for his own behaviour.”

Mubarek's brother Ahdel Ali arriving at Shrewsbury Crown Court in November 2010( Image: SWNS.com)

This newspaper exposed the shocking scale of child sexual abuse in Telford in 2018, revealing how up to 1,000 girls had been targeted in the town over four decades.

Last night Holly Archer, a victim of child sexual exploitation by grooming gangs in Telford, told us: “We would all be happy with him completing his full sentence. There is no rehabilitation for someone who sees no wrong with their actions and sees themselves as the victim of the criminal justice system. Mubarek Ali would take every opportunity to humiliate us. He always gave off the impression that he thought he was superior to us. He was a self-important little man.”

The Sunday Mirror's front page that exposed the child sex abuse gang in 2018( Image: Sunday Mirror)

The parole summary added that Ali, now 41, had recently made some progress and had taken some courses to address his sex offending. This May he received a further 12-year sentence for rape and sexual activity with a child, and for trafficking. He met his victim when she was 12 and the sexual abuse and exploitation began when she was 14.

After first denying it, he pleaded guilty part way through his trial at Shrewsbury Crown Court where Judge Peter Barrie told him: “You have shown no remorse at all. There continues to be a high risk that you may cause serious harm to young females through the commission of further offences against them.”