Edward Castor leaves Newcastle Quayside Law Courts(Image: Newcastle Chronicle)

Sickening son, 22, spat in own mum's face when she took his knife from him

Edward Castor, 22, was staying at his mum's house in Newcastle when she took the blade from him and hid it. A court heard that the move prompted him to fly into a rage and he began shouting and screaming at the victim

by · The Mirror

A despicable son has been branded a thug after spitting in his own mother's face for hiding his knife.

Edward Castor, temporarily residing at his mother's Newcastle abode, flew off the handle when she confiscated the weapon and concealed it. The volatile 22 year old erupted, unleashing shouts and screams at the woman who raised him.

In a turn for the worse, as he continued to clamour for the return of his knife, Castor launched saliva at his mum's face. He then seized her from behind with force, hauled her into the kitchen, and fiercely "prodded her temple" multiple times, the prosecution informed.

Castor's rampage escalated to property damage when he eventually found the blade and used it to puncture holes in a couple of interior doors, racking up £200 in damages.

The culprit, hailing from Lowbiggin in Newbiggin Hall, ended up in cuffs and faced the music at Newcastle Magistrates' Court where he admitted guilt for assault by beating and criminal damage, reports Chronicle Live.

Prosecutor Ruth Forster recounted that on August 31, while bunking with his mother in West Denton, the confrontation kicked off post-confiscation resulting in outrageous behaviour including spitting at his mother, manhandling her and forcibly dragging her about in a quest for the hidden knife.

"He then grabbed her by the face and prodded her repeatedly in the temple. He then found the knife and stabbed two living room doors, causing £200-worth of damage."

The court was informed that Castor had a previous conviction involving his mum, but he showed remorse. John Kirkham, defending, stated that Castor "needed help", adding: "Once he got to court, he didn't mess about and immediately took the view "I have done wrong and I'm deeply ashamed of what I have done and I want to put it right by offering guilty pleas"."

Magistrates handed Castor a 12-month community order and ordered him to pay his mum a total of £300 compensation. He was also slapped with a 12-month restraining order, which prohibited him from entering his mother's street.