Commuters at Newbridge Station said they wanted more investment in public transport and housing

Watch: Focus on the cost of living ahead of budget

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The sun shining down on Newbridge Station in Co Kildare makes it feel more like summer than September.

But as commuters clamber out of trains and home from a day in the capital, their thoughts are on the autumn ahead, what the October budget will bring and what direction they hope the Government will take when it comes to public spending.

For Cathal Jones he hopes their focus will be on housing and transport.

Cathal Jones says more spending on infrastructure is needed

"Just start building social housing and make it more affordable, make it more readily available. Greater spending on public infrastructure so that people who live down here in Newbridge can, if they have jobs up in Dublin city, can get there a lot quicker, a lot faster."

Housing is also on the mind of Ann Doyle who says her daughters, who are in their 30s, have been unable to buy houses at an age when she was already a homeowner. But she believes childcare costs too need to be tackled.

Ann Doyle says the cost of childcare needs to be addressed

"Childcare, that they sort out that issue for parents with small children when they're paying nearly a second mortgage to have their children in childcare. I suppose that could be something that's looked after."

To cost of living is also a concern for some, including William Baldwin.

"I wish to put the prices down a bit, the government is a bit too high."

Cost too is a concern for student Namota Bello who says she has to rely a lot on parents to help her fund the cost of travelling to and from college.

"It's €57 for a child ticket monthly on the train. For student is €71 monthly for a train ticket, which I personally think is ridiculous."

Her friend Christina Bumbiere wants to see more investment in public transport in particular bus services which she says she has often been let down by.

Christina Bumbiere says public transport must be more reliable and accessible

"I think they need to work more on public transport and making it more like reliable, accessible and actually making sure it shows up and goes to more places."

Jim Sheehy says he'd like to see an increase of €20 on the old age pension.

"I'd like to see a nice increase for pensioners and more for the working class people."

Kevin Hall too wants to see those relying on state supports get more.

"Those on social welfare, disabilities, all that, they definitely need more than whatever it was last year. A €12 increase, when rents up 100% over the past few years?"

But for some, the train has already left the station. Megan Ryan and Robert Walsh have moved to Spain to combat the cost of living. They say while wages are lower, their money goes further and they have the ability to save.

Robert Walsh and Megan Ryan have already made the move to Spain

So, what would the Government have to do to entice them back to live here?

"They need more houses for young people to rent, give us more opportunities and raise minimum wage."

Cost of living continues to be a big issue for those living in the commuter belt.

They're now waiting to see if what's coming down the track in the budget will make their lives any easier.