The survey of voters shows support for Fine Gael has climbed four points to 27% since May

FG reaches highest support in three years, poll suggests

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Support for Fine Gael has reached its highest point in three years, the latest Irish Times/Ipsos opinion poll has suggested.

The survey of voters shows support for Fine Gael has climbed four points to 27% since May.

Sinn Féin is down three points on 20%, while Fianna Fáil on 19% drops one point.

The Green Party is up one point to 5% and Labour support also increases by a single point to stand on 6% support.

The Social Democrats are up one point to 4%, with PBP-Solidarity on 2% and Aontú on 1% both unchanged.

Support for independents fell by one point to 16%.

This poll of 1,200 voters was carried out between September 14th and 17th and there is a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8%.