Tips on how to stay safe around cows(Image: Getty Images)

'I'm a farmer and this is how to avoid being trampled by cows'

by · Wales Online

Cattle can be dangerous and unpredictable animals, with their size and weight able to cause you harm or even kill you. A number of people have been injured or even killed as a result of being trampled by cows, so it's important to know how to stay safe around them.

Farmer Richard Heady has offered his advice to the Telegraph after recent incidents may have made people more fearful of cows. Richard, coming from a long line of farmers, is knowledgeable when it comes to cattle and their behaviour. He even knows first hand how dangerous they can be after one "panicked and ran straight through" him, knocking him over and leaving him with bruises.

There have been a number of incidents in Wales. In November, 2022, 75-year-old Huw Evans was killed by a cow after it escaped from a livestock market in Carmarthenshire. While crossing the road, Mr Evans was knocked down and trampled by the cow leaving him with multiple injuries that resulted in his death six days later.

Mr Evans was airlifted to hospital after being trampled by the cow(Image: PA)

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Another incident happened in Carmarthenshire in September, 2023, where 71-year-old Glyn Austin managed to escape with his life after he had to "play dead". Whilst out walking his dogs along the coastal path, Mr Austin came across a herd of cattle blocking the way.

When attempting to go around them, he explained that around 15 of them charged at him. He said: "They just came towards me and charged me – maybe 15 of them. Each time I tried to get up they knocked me over again and trampled me. I then just pretended I was dead."

Unfortunately, these are not the only incidents that have occurred in Wales and around the UK in recent years, with many ending in deaths. Richard Heady said he felt "many of these incidents could have been prevented" but that the public also needed to be educated on "what cows are really like."

He explained that he believed there were two reasons that cattle attacks took place, either the animal felt threatened or they were curious and accidently knocked someone down. For the latest Welsh news delivered to your inbox sign up to our newsletter

Richard said: "Cows may walk or run over to see what you are doing. This can, of course, be terrifying, but the worst thing you can do is to wave your arms and shout as this can just intrigue them further.

"Instead, if you keep walking, you will generally find that they will follow you at about a 10ft distance. If you turn and walk calmly towards them, they will retreat. But if you run, they will think this is fun and chase after you (occasionally, farmers deliberately run through a gateway as a method of getting the cattle to follow us through)."

He also mentioned rules to stick by when walking your dogs along a field with cows. He said: "Walkers need to keep them on a tight lead, but if attacked, let the dog run free. The cows will chase it, but probably not catch it.

"People could also divert from the footpaths if cows are directly on them, following the hedge line instead, while avoiding making loud noises or chatting on a phone, which again can intrigue them. If there are mothers and calves in the field, never separate them; it’s that simple."

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