Marley the lurcher needs a home(Image: Dogs Trust)

Ten big dogs in need of new homes in Merseyside

by · Liverpool Echo

Large dogs living in kennels are often overlooked in favour of smaller breeds


The decision to adopt a dog is a significant one - sadly, large dogs living in kennels are often overlooked by potential owners. But big dogs can be just as loveable as their smaller counterparts, and their robust size makes many of them perfectly suited to outdoor enthusiasts who love to walk, cycle and hike.

We've made a list of 10 big dogs who are in desperate need of homes. People who are interested in adding one of these four-legged friends to their family are asked to register to adopt with the Dog's Trust. You will be asked to provide details about your home, your lifestyle and the dogs you are interested in.

You will also be asked to select a rehoming centre. Afterwards, the Dog's Trust team will review the application and contact you within seven days to talk about your dog search.

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The Trust retain all applications it receives for three months, during which time it will be used to scope out the most suitable pet from your chosen centre. After a match is made, you will be invited to meet the dog at your chosen rehoming centre. Some of the dogs will need to meet prospective owners several times to see if they are compatible.

If no dog matching your requirements becomes available during the three months, however, you may be asked to apply again. After adoption, the Trust will keep in touch to see how you and the dog are doing.

  1. Toto

    Breed: Akita
    Age: 5-7 years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "This giant floofer is Toto and he's a sweet boy who is looking for a quiet home in a low populated area. He is generally calm in his kennel, watching the world go by, and is always happy to see his carers. He walks well on his lead for the most part, until there is something he really wants to sniff and then he is very strong! He does enjoy gentle fuss but adopters must understand that this is on his own terms and allow him to take himself away when he has had enough. He would love someone who enjoys a game of tug as much as he does and who can keep him well supplied in soft toys! Toto has not had great experiences with other dogs in the past and for this reason must be kept on lead and muzzled with well fitted equipment at all times. His new family must be on board for this and be willing to work with our training team throughout the adoption process."
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  2. Nala

    Breed: Belgian shepherd dog
    Age: 5-7 years
    Sex: Female
    Requirements: No children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Nala is a sweetheart with a shy side, but she gets attached to people quite quickly and it shouldn't take her long to form a bond with a new family. She gets a little overwhelmed if there's lots going on around her, but in quiet areas she likes to have a good sniff around and is much more relaxed. She just loves to be made a fuss of and will nudge your elbow so that she can snuggle under your arm! Nala loves tasty treats, especially cheese, and this is a great way to start some training with her to help her build her confidence. She has a good understanding of basic training already, and knows a few commands and tricks. Further training would help strengthen the bond with her adopters, but boundaries must be set in the home from day one. Nala shouldn't be allowed on beds or sofas, as she hasn't always enjoyed people sharing that space with her. She should have her own safe and comfortable space in the house where she can be left. Dogs are just fine without access to the settee! Nala didn't have many positive interactions with other dogs in her formative years, and this has left her wary of others. She can walk nearby them if slowly and appropriately introduced, but shouldn't be forced into any face to face meetings as this won't help her one bit."
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  3. Shadow

    Breed: Weimaraner
    Age: 7 years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: Can live with older children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Shadow is seven years old and has found himself with us through no fault of his. He's a big strong boy but he initially struggled with the centre environment but has settled well now. He's still a little unsure of the grounds but he has been enjoying his walks and is willing to explore. When Shadow goes to his new home, he'll need time to settle and not be overwhelmed. He's got used to his handlers very quickly and is happy to see them and will look for a fuss. He likes to approach people himself rather than have interactions forced on him, and this is the way forward to keep his confidence up, new people and visitors should be introduced very slowly. Though Shadow has previously lived with another dog, we have found him to be lacking in social skills. He will happily greet another dog but then doesn't know what to do, and has often growled. He's probably best as the only pet at home but with some friends for on-lead walking company. Shadow is a big lad and could do with losing a couple of pounds to keep him healthy as he gets older. He isn't used to being around children or travelling in the car."
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  4. Breed: Siberian husky
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Blue is a sensitive and anxious boy looking for a special home. He can be very of new situations and environments and needs his new family to be understanding and patient, and to allow him time to settle. Blue is unsure of strangers but when introduced, does form strong bonds with people, as he has with his handlers. When he trusts you he's a very excitable and affectionate dog, who will give a little howl of joy when he sees you. Blue enjoys his walks and time away form the kennel and will spend a lot of it sniffing. This is his way of assessing whether he's in a safe place, and he should be allowed time to do so. From a dog who wouldn't allow us to groom him initially, Blue now tolerates a gentle brush as he has learnt to relax around his handlers. In the past, Blue's owner always introduced new people away from the home and Blue was then more accepting of them visiting the house. This would be a good plan to follow to help Blue and his confidence. Also at home, Blue has been known to throw cushions about and tip the bin out if left alone! Ideally he would have someone there with him all the time initially, and work on building up any time by himself gradually. He enjoys walking with a couple of calm dogs here at the centre and would benefit from some when he's home, but he will need to be the only pet at home. He appears to have some pain in his back and although x-rays showed nothing amiss, we are always gentle with him when handling his lower back and hips, and keep it to a minimum. Blue will need ongoing pain relief."
    4 of 10
  1. Max

    Breed: Doberman
    Age: 2-5+ years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: Can live with older children, no other dogs
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Max is a lively boy who isn't too chuffed about being at the centre. He's a clever lad who knows how to open handles, and his previous owner had to change everything to knobs! He also has a penchant for counter surfing so best to keep him out of the kitchen. Max can be very affectionate and will lean heavily into you when he's being stroked, relishing the attention however he will need to meet new people at a slow and steady pace. He has been introduced to a few dogs at the centre but can have very mixed reactions to them, and is going to need further training and socialising with them once he's settled in his new home. Max's ideal home would be somewhere that has a low dog population as he can get himself in quite a tizzy. Max is very food motivated and it's a great way to begin any training with him!"
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  2. Meesha

    Breed: Siberian husky
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Female
    Requirements: Can live with older children, cats and dogs
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Meesha is a sweet middle aged Husky who gets along well with everyone. She's always excited to see her handlers and enjoys going for walks with her friends. Meesha has previously spent her days in a house with a cat and two other dogs, and as long as they mixed well here at the centre, we would happily rehome her with other pets. That said, she has had an unfortunate incident with a pigeon, so please be careful around wildlife! Meesha loves to be fussed and stroked, but she's a little less comfortable being brushed. Her double coat will need to be brushed daily, so grooming will need to be introduced gradually and in a way that is comfortable for Meesha. She is happy enough to return to her kennel and when her handlers leave her, but we know that Meesha loves company and would greet her previous owner ecstatically when coming home! Meesha is eight years old now and does have some minor pain in her hips and spine. She has begun a pain relief trial and there's a possibility that she may need this for the rest of her life. It doesn't stop her from enjoying her walks or playing with her toys and zoomie-ing about!"
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  3. Wilson

    Breed: Akita
    Age: 8+ years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No Children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "We've all fallen for Wilson! This gentle giant arrived at in our care with a terribly matted and dirty coat, so once he'd had time to settle in, he got the full works at the groomers! From a stinky, matted dog to a beautiful groomed and styled gentleman, he's had quite the transformation. Wilson is much happier and ready to find his new home. He loves to go for walks and is very confident in outdoor spaces, but we've found him to be a little wary of new indoor environments, so please have patience when he first goes home. He hasn't been keen on us leaving him so we always make sure he has something else to occupy him when we return him to his kennel. Wilson is friendly with people and will say hello, but Akitas are notoriously aloof and Wilson is no exception. He is ready to move on after being introduced and has no interest in new people fussing him. With other dogs, Wilson can be hit and miss and we know from his previous owner that he isn't happy about off lead dogs running up to him. We think he is best suited to being the only dog at home."
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  1. Marley

    Breed: Siberian husky
    Age: 2-5 years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Marley is a friendly lad who readily says hello to new people and likes to be made a fuss of. He's looking for a patient family that can help him settle into his new home at a pace he's comfortable with. Marley doesn't like to be by himself and has chewed a few things in the past ad his previous owner found his reactivity towards dogs too much to handle. Marley will walk with dogs here at the centre but we know the potential to bark and lunge at other dogs is still there. We would recommend his new family keep up with socialising him and not letting him get back into old habits. Help and advice is always available from the team at the centre. Marley loves to play with his toys ad his faves are any that squeak. Toy play is a lovely way to get him settled in with his new family. Marley has mouthed and nipped to get attention in his previous home, and that's why we will only rehome him to families where any children are older. He's a young, active dog who needs plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to keep him on the path to being the fabulous family pet we know he can be."
    8 of 10
  2. Thor

    Breed: Dogue De Bordeaux
    Age: 6 years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: No children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Thor is a 6 year old goofball of a DDB who has no idea that he weighs 50kg! He is cuddly and playful but can be strong on lead and clumsy with toys so he needs adopters who are physically able to hold him on a lead. His favourite people include our fab volunteers, Linda and Dave, who enjoy taking him offsite for adventures and giving him his medicated baths! Thor might be a large boy but this doesn’t mean he’s brave - this handsome lad does have some worries and insecurities around strangers which mean he does need to wear a muzzle on walks. He doesn’t mind it one bit, he sees it as a sign for an exciting walkies! Once he’s friends with you though, you’ll start to see the adorable, affectionate and downright ridiculous side that we’re lucky enough to see every day. He will need his adopters to limit visitors to the home and be prepared to properly introduce anyone new to him gradually. Thor is an absolutely fantastic dog with bags of potential but sadly he’s spent a little while with us now so any potential adopters will need to come and meet him at the centre multiple times before he’s happy to trot off into the sunset with you!"
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  3. Jax

    Breed: Dutch shepherd cross
    Age: 1-2 years
    Sex: Male
    Requirements: Can live with older children, no other pets
    The Dogs Trust says:
    "Jax is an excitable young man who is a friend to everyone, and his life's goal seems to be to say hello to every human on on earth! He nudges people until they make a fuss of him and just revels in the contact. He usually jumps up to greet people but we've been teaching him to keep his feet on the floor, and he's doing well. We estimate Jax to be about a year and a half, he's very strong and does pull on his lead. Some loose lead training would definitely be beneficial to him. He enjoys meeting other dogs out and about but can sometimes get a little worried if they're too invasive. We think he's best suited to being the only dog at home for now, whilst he works on his confidence and social skills. Some friends to go walking with would do him wonders. We don't know what his experience of children is, but as he's so strong we feel it better any children in the home be robust teenagers, and that Jax should only be walked by adults because of his strength."
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