FILE Henry Songoh was arrested over extortion

Kasese sacco chairperson Songoh arrested for PDM funds extortion

by · The Observer

Police in Kasese district have arrested Henry Songoh, the chairman of Way of Salvation Sacco in Nyamwamba Division, Kasese Municipality, on allegations of extortion and sabotaging a government project.

Songoh is accused of soliciting bribes from Sacco members in order to process access to Parish Development Model (PDM) funds. According to Amon Butseme, the Sacco's vice chairperson, Songoh had collected over Shs 900,000 from members, claiming the money was required by parish chiefs to facilitate their access to the funds.

The group became suspicious when Songoh abruptly announced his intention to exit the Sacco. Butseme and other members reported the matter to authorities, including the resident district commissioner’s (RDC) office, leading to Songoh’s arrest.

Rwenzori East police spokesperson Nelson Tumushiime confirmed the arrest and stated that investigations into the allegations are ongoing.

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