File photo of Deputy Bernard Durkan

Oldest TD Durkan to run in general election for Kildare North

by · Leinster Leader

Deputy Bernard Durkan, Councillor Evie Sammon and Councillor Joe Neville have been selected by Fine Gael to represent the party in the Kildare North constituency at the next general election.

Party members selected Deputy Durkan, Councillor Sammon and Councillor Neville in a convention held in the Westgrove Hotel, Clane, which was chaired by Deputy Damien English.

Deputy Bernard Durkan, who will turn 80 in March next year, is the oldest currently serving TD in the Dáil and has been returned in every general election since November 1982.

Mr Durkan said: “I am delighted to have once again been selected by the local Fine Gael membership to continue to represent the party and contest the next General Election in the constituency of Kildare North.

“It has always been an honour and a privilege to represent this constituency and I have always done so to the best of my ability.

“Once more into the breach comes to mind as we go forward to the next General Election which, will undoubtedly be very important for the country and the party. One must put the best foot forward in order to achieve the best possible result, along with colleagues, in the hope to continue to provide stable Government. We know it won’t be easy but then it never was.

“Ar aghaidh linn le cheile.”

Bernard Durkan 

Mr Durkan is the Fine Gael spokesperson on Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform.

Originally from Killasser, Co Mayo, he is a Fine Gael TD for Kildare North.

His political career began in 1981 when he was elected to Dáil Éireann for the Kildare Constituency.

Despite briefly losing his seat in February 1982 when Fine Gael was defeated, he quickly regained it in November of that same year. 

He has been re-elected in every subsequent election to date.

Mr Durkan's time as a TD has seen him serving as Minister of State for Social Welfare from 1994-1997.

He has also been involved in various different Committees and Boards.

He previously acted as Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee of European Affairs and Chairman of Kildare County Council. He was also a member of the Public Accounts Committee, the Eastern Health Board, and has previously served as Fine Gael Chief Whip.

He currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Joint Oireachtas on Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade and is a member of the Joint Committee on European Affairs.

During his time in office, Mr Durkan been a Fine Gael Front Bench spokesperson on a wide range of topics including Health, Food, Trade and Industry, Insurance, Overseas Development Aid and Human rights, and Communications and Natural Resources.

Councillor Evie Sammon

Councillor Evie Sammonsaid: “I am honoured to have been selected to contest the upcoming General Election for Fine Gael in the Kildare North Constituency.

“Through my experiences as a County Councillor and former Parliamentary Assistant in Leinster House, I have developed a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to our constituents and have worked tirelessly to address them.

“I am passionate about continuing this work and believe my vision and plans for the future can significantly contribute to our community's prosperity and well-being.

“I am confident that having been selected and elected as a County Councillor in the Naas Municipal District in 2019 and re-elected this year, increasing my vote by over 20%, that I can be a strong voice and representative and continue Fine Gael's work in Kildare North.

“If elected to Dail Eireann by the people of Kildare North I will focus on the provision of affordable childcare and co-location of childcare facilities with schools; access to services for adults and children with disabilities; delivery of key transport infrastructure as Kildare expands; funding County Councils to deliver amenity lands and connecting our Greenway and Blueway infrastructure throughout the county and beyond.”

Councillor Joe Neville

Councillor Joe Neville said: “I am also honoured to have been selected to contest the General Election in the Kildare North constituency.

“As Cathaoirleach of Kildare County Council, and as a Councillor since 2014, I have a deep understanding of the issues and challenges our communities face.

“Throughout these 10 years representing the people of Kildare on the council, I have demonstrated that I have the energy, experience, and drive to bring this representation to Dáil Éireann and deliver for Kildare at a national level.

“I look forward to seeking the support of constituents across Kildare North as I seek to be a strong voice for Kildare in the next Dáil.”