A sign marking the border of the PSPO buffer zone, where abortion protests are banned, near to the Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham (Image: Birmingham Live)

Public warned of 'unlimited fines' as activity set to become illegal in one area of Birmingham

by · Birmingham Live

Members of the public have been warned an activity will soon become illegal in a specific area of Birmingham amid ramped-up safeguarding measures. Safe access buffer zones are to be enforced in a radius around Robert Clinic, an abortion centre in Cotteridge.

This will make it a crime for anyone to "intentionally or recklessly" influence a woman's decision to use the abortion services. Obstruction, harassment and causing distress to anyone using, or working at the clinic will also be against the law.

The new rules, designed to protect women using the clinic, will come into force on October 31 and will apply within a 150-metre radius of the Station Road services - where abortion protests are already banned. "This measure introduces safe access zones around abortion clinics, where interference with any person’s decision to access, provide, or facilitate the provision of abortion services within the 150-metre zone is an offence," Birmingham City Council said.

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For the past three years, since September 2022, Robert Clinic has been covered by a public space protection order (PSPO). Five activities, ranging from protesting to taking videos and pictures, are already prohibited by the PSPO.

However, the PSPO is now being reviewed with the introduction of the buffer zones this month under the Public Order Act 2023. Police will then have powers to enforce the safe access zones - with offences carrying an unlimited fine. If a person does not comply with the order they commit an offence, which could result in sanctions including a fixed penalty notice, up to a level 3 fine, BCC warns.

Ahead of October 31, the College of Policing and Crown Prosecution Service is set to publish guidance for police and prosecutors to "ensure clarity and consistency with the enforcement of the new offence."

Protesters outside the Robert Clinic in Kings Norton. Birmingham City Council has launched a consultation to ban all abortion protests near the Station Road facility by introducing a Public Space Protection Order (Image: BirminghamLive)

Birmingham City Council Community Safety Team are working with West Midlands Police to ensure the transition of the PSPO to the buffer zones is completed so that there is "no impact of staff and visitors to the clinic."

Councillor Nicky Brennan, Cabinet Member for Social Justice, Community Safety and Equalities, said: “It is important that women are not harassed when visiting the Robert Clinic for health care, as they deserve privacy and understanding during what must be a difficult time for them.

Birmingham City Council welcomes the governments safeguarding measures for women who need access to this vital service which women should be able to use without intrusion or intimidation. The buffer zones will hopefully deter anyone from protesting, interfering or intimidating service users and make their visits easier to cope with.”

The activities prohibited under the current PSPO include:

  • Protesting, namely engaging in any act or attempted act of approval or disapproval, with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means. This includes but is not limited to graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counselling,
  • Interfering, or attempting to interfere, whether verbally or physically, with a Robert Clinic service user, visitor or member of staff,
  • Intimidating or harassing, or attempting to intimidate or harass, a Robert Clinic service user, visitor or a member of staff,
  • Recording or photographing a Robert Clinic service user, visitor or member of staff or,
  • Displaying any text or images relating directly or indirectly to the termination of pregnancy.

Have you been affected by this? We would like to hear from you. You can contact us by emailing stephanie.balloo@reachplc.com