The DWP has been urged to bring forward urgent new reforms to Personal Independence Payment (Image: shared content unit)

DWP urged to bring forward new PIP reforms to fix 'broken benefits system'

by · Birmingham Live

The Department for Work and Pensions has been urged to introduce new reforms of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to fix the 'broken' system. Campaigners say that although the Labour Government seems to have abandoned proposals to replace PIP payments with vouchers, the benefit does need an overhaul to meet current needs.

Changes set out under the previous government included offering claimants vouchers and grants instead of regular disability payments of up to £737 a month. However, recent comments by Sir Stephen Timms, the new DWP Minister of State for Social Security and Disability, indicate these options may have been shelved.

Sir Stephen said: "We do not intend to publish a response to the previous Government's consultation. We will be considering our own plans for social security in due course and will fulfil our continued commitment to work with disabled people so that their views and voices are at the heart of all that we do."


Disability equality charity Scope welcomed the news but says Personal Independence Payment is in need of a radical rethink. Reports suggest any changes Labour wants to introduce will not be announced until the spring.

James Taylor, Director of Strategy at disability equality charity Scope said: "It's a relief that the government is rightly scrapping these dangerous proposals. They have created enormous amounts of anxiety for disabled people and their families.

"These plans to introduce vouchers and make it harder to get PIP would have had a devastating impact. Pushing disabled people further into poverty would worsen their conditions. It would make disabled people more isolated.

"Life costs a lot more for disabled households, on average £1,010 every month, and PIP is vital in helping cover those extra costs. But PIP is in urgent need of reform, and with energy bills having risen again this month, we need urgent action.

"The government needs to listen and work with disabled people to fix our broken benefits system. We also need to see the introduction of discounted energy bills."

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