Frustration voiced over 'details' of Solihull home extension
by Sam Greenway, · Birmingham LiveAn applicant wanting to extend a neglected house in Olton will have to wait until the new year for a decision after planners voiced their frustration at not having all the information they wanted. Applicant Zeus Padam originally applied for permission for the single storey rear extension and two storey side extension at the home in Stonor Park Road in May.
The application was called into the committee by ward councillor Sardul Marwa following three objections from neighbours who called it “overbearing” and said it would be an “overdevelopment of the site”. Jon Hallam, a solihull -council>Solihull Council officer, told the authority's latest planning committee meeting the proposal would in fact have a “negligible impact on neighbours”.
“The recommendation is one of approval, subject to conditions,” the officer added. In the public speaking section Coun Marwa said: “The property is getting derelict, meadows everywhere.
READ MORE:'Significant first for Solihull' as decision announced over plans for two-storey apartment block
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“I think it needs to be looked at quickly. We need to resolve it and a compromise reached. Both parties (the applicant and neighbours) want to resolve this situation.”
When the debate began Councillor Dave Pinwell asked questions about the extension's distance to the boundary. Bob Grinsell, chairman of the committee, then quickly intervened.
“This is because we have a lack of technical information,” he said. I requested, along with other members of the committee, we have images of the street scene - how it reacts with its neighbours.
“I was advised the agent has said they do not have the ability to provide a full and accurate street scene. They (the agent) has indicated it is not viable or possible to do.
“Yet within our packs we have got 3D images.” Coun Pinwell said: “I’m in full agreement.
“I really struggle to assimilate this application on the basis of drawings available. I sat and stared at the property and its neighbouring properties for about 10 minutes when I visited.
“It was far from clear to me what the impact on the street scene was going to be.” The councillor proposed deferring so it could return to a future meeting with a “full set of information”, so that they could make a “proper judgement”.
The chairman then said: “I know the applicant is here. We have to make a measured decision, for or against. Currently we can’t.”
When the vote was taken, the committee unanimously agreed to defer. The item was heard at the end of a four hour long meeting held at the Civic Suite on December 4, with the vote taken just before 9.30pm.
Speaking directly to the applicant the chairman added: "Apologies for keeping you so late but I’m afraid that’s the decision.” The application could potentially come back to the committee’s next meeting set to take place on January 8.