Labour city councillor and Derbyshire Dales MP John Whitby(Image: Derby Telegraph)

Renewed calls from Mackworth residents for Councillor John Whitby to stand down after becoming MP

In response, Mr Whitby confirmed he is 'not looking to hang around' but will not be standing down just yet

by · Derbyshire Live

Renewed calls have been made for a Derby City Councillor to step down after he was elected as an MP this summer. One resident even described him as the "illusive John Whitby", with another saying they "don't see him doing anything" to deal with local issues in the city suburb - a claim which he and his Labour colleagues deny.

Mr Whitby, a Mackworth and New Zealand Ward councillor, became the Labour MP for Derbyshire Dales in the July 4 General election. Soon after, opposition councillors including Conservative Cllr Steve Hassall accused the MP of "double dipping" into taxpayers' pockets.

In August, Mr Whitby confirmed that he would stand down "when the time is right for everybody”. But more than three months on from the election, there are fresh calls for his departure following a local straw poll showing that 98% were in favour of him stepping down.

Jenny McDougall, 48, who has lived in Mackworth for 20 years, said: "He's known as the Illusive John Whitby, he's supposed to be a representative of the local community but he's never around. Let there be a by-election and get someone in who actually wants to do the work in the community.

"People have voted for him to represent them and he's not around to do that. I think he should resign, why are we paying him. If I had a job and I didn't turn up for work I would be getting sacked so why isn't he getting the same treatment. I don't see anything he's doing, I see the work that Ndukwe (Onuoha) is doing.

"The fact that he said he's going to go when it's right for him, what about when it's right for the people."

This new call for resignation was sparked by a Facebook post made in the local communities page "We love Mackworth and New Zealand" where an anonymous poster asked the group members whether they would like to see the councillor's resignation. The current poll shows there have been 142 votes with 98% agreeing that Cllr Whitby should resign.

In response, Mr Whitby confirmed he is "not looking to hang around" but will not be standing down just yet. He said: “I remain committed and accessible to residents. I have also met with community groups, the neighbourhood board, and local businesses in the ward. From the Mackworth Summer fair to a successful weeding exercise in over five streets in New Zealand, I have continued to be present in community-led events.

"Moreover, I am fulfilling my obligations to the council, I have never yet missed a full council meeting. As I stated previously, I’m not looking to hang around, but my departure will be set by myself and the council, not the Conservative Party.”

Cllr Ndukwe also defended his Labour colleague. He said: "This call for resignation is largely driven by a desperate Conservative Councillor who specialises in sowing division. While this Trumpian councillor continues to sow divisions on Facebook, John has been to more community events than him, has organised a clean-up on Slack Lane and adjourning streets, and has been to as many Council meetings as him."

Councillor Ndukwe Onuoha- newly-elected to the city council representing Mackworth and New Zealand(Image: Derby Telegraph)

The Councillor who Cllr Ndukwe is referring to is Gaurav Pandey a member of the opposition, who has repeatedly called for Mr Whitby's resignation.

Despite Mr Ndukwe's comments, more residents have felt that Mr Whitby's presence hasn't been felt in the community. John Kirkham , 64, who has lived in Mackworth his whole life, said: "He never does anything for Mackworth, he used to live here now he's moved away. What's the point in paying him to be a Councillor if we don't see him doing anything. He said he would give it up, what's the point in him sticking around and taking money for old rope.

"I definitely feel underrepresented. I think we should call an election as soon as possible and get someone who is good for the community. I thought he was going to step down immediately."

John Whitby previously spoke to Local Democracy Reporting Service on the subject, he said: "I didn’t plan on hanging on to my city council seat but it was felt there needed to be a bit of a pause before stepping down. It needs to be right for the council."

Mr Whitby has been a city councillor from 2010 until 2018 and then since 2022 until now, having won his last re-election in 2023. His election as the MP for Derbyshire Dales was one of the closest results this year winning with a majority of 350 votes over his opposition Sarah Dines.

Similar calls for resignation earlier this year were also echoed for Councillor Baggy Shanker who has also just office as an MP for Derby South after Dame Margaret Beckett retired from her seat earlier this year.

In response to both of the MPs continuing to hold their council positions, Cllr Pandey said: "When he became an MP, he gave that BBC interview and I think that is just wrong. He doesn't have time to be both.

"I understand he's a very busy because of his MP role but he needs to step down. Baggy Shanker is also an MP now and they both don't have time to do it.

"I think this poll is quite reflective of the local mood. He needs to resign and so does Cllr Baggy Shanker. "

Councillor for Sinfin Ward and MP for Derby South, Baggy Shanker said: "Representing my community, be that for the last 16 years as a Councillor and now as a newly elected MP, is the greatest honour of my life and a duty I take very seriously.

"Residents deserve active, local representation and that’s why I have attended every scheduled Council Meeting, continue to attend community meetings in my ward and am out knocking residents’ doors to find out if they have a problem I can help with."