Jeff Kirby, 72, heading out to row on Halifax's Northwest Arm Wednesday morning, Sept, 25, 2024, despite spotting a 12-foot great white shark breaching during his early row Tuesday.Photo by Chris Lambie/National Post

Why everybody is seeing more sharks off the coast of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia’s coastal waters are feeling a tad sharkey of late, with an estimated 400 great whites making their way to Canada’s ocean playground each summer

by · National Post

Just one day after spotting a great white shark during his regular morning row in Halifax’s Northwest Arm, Jeff Kirby returned to the inlet that connects to the Atlantic Ocean to try his luck again.

Kirby, 72, displayed a touch of gallows humour when asked if he was at all worried about sharks before pushing his single off the dock just after dawn Wednesday and sculling away on the calm water of the city’s popular saltwater swimming and boating destination.