Kid runs 24km for Terry

by · Castanet
Zephyr getting a big hug after completing his own personal Terry Fox pledge run.Photo: Shannon Peltier

A Grade 7 South Okanagan student has successfully ran from Oliver to Osoyoos elementary schools, hoping to raise money for the Terry Fox Foundation.

Zephyr Peltier crossed the finish line after a whopping 24-kilometre run Friday, to huge cheers and congratulations from his peers, supporters and family in Osoyoos.

This is Peltier's third time completing the run, having first done it when he was just nine years old.

"I do this run because Terry [Fox] is my hero, and I want to honour his legacy by helping others," he explained in a letter about his run.

Every year, he launches a fundraising page, hoping that through his run, people will be inspired to donate to the ongoing legacy of Terry Fox's work to defeat cancer.

He set a goal of $3,000 this year, and as of Friday afternoon, had surpassed it by more than $200.

His donation page is still open here should anyone wish to contribute.

Zephyr, right, and his team.Photo: Shannon Peltier