Shocking moment e-bike phone thieves swoop on victim as he films Lambo

by · Mail Online

This is the shocking moment an e-bike phone thief stole from a man as he filmed a £450,000 Lamborghini on one of London's poshest streets. 

In the footage, posted to TikTok, the victim is filming a green Lamborghini Revuelto parked up on New Bond Street in the heart of the capital.

The narrow street is lined with luxury designer stores - with a  Bvlgari jewelry store visible in the background. 

Dozens of shoppers and tourists are wandering the street, when seemingly out of nowhere, two balaclava-clad cyclists appear in the background.

The menacing pair weave their way through the crowd and before the filmer, called Carlos, has a chance to react one of the men has snatched his phone with the video still recording. 

Dozens of shoppers and tourists are wandering the street, when seemingly out of nowhere, two balaclava-clad cyclists appear
Before the filmer, called Carlos, has a chance to react one of the men has snatched his phone with the video still recording

The video of the theft, which took place on Monday September 23, was posted on TikTok with the caption: 'POV: You are in central London.' 

It generated strong reactions from social media users.  

Paul Jaymes said: 'Literally like something out of a horror film.

Read More

London's phone snatching epidemic reaches crisis point as victims as young as four are targeted

'Demons on bikes.'

John Wormald added: 'Should have pushed them off their bikes. They saw them coming.'

Blake said: 'Just a normal day In London.'

The so-called phone snatching epidemic has reached a crisis point in the capital with people working in Westminster claiming they see phone thefts daily.

Criminals' most common tactic is to whizz past on a bike or moped and grab the phone while their victim is distracted - such as when they are taking a photo or checking their messages at a traffic light.

In the footage, posted to TikTok, the victim is filming a green Lamborghini Revuelto parked up on New Bond Street in the heart of the capital

The workers said the theives normally prey on 'unaware' tourists. 

Figures collated by local news site Southwark News show that Westminster is the worst area in London for phone snatching - with a shocking 22,253 incidents reported in the year leading up to September 2024.

That equates to a terrifying 85.4 thefts per every 1,000 people. 

 The Metropolitan Police have been approached for comment.