Populist radical right politics moving to mainstream in Europe, study finds


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Percentage of respondents who scored above the middle of the scale on the ESS items concerning populist, nativist, authoritarian, liberal- and social-democracy attitudes, in descending order. Credit: West European Politics (2024). DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2024.2359841

A novel study from the Center for Britain and Europe (CBE) highlights a significant shift in the political landscape of Europe, revealing that populist radical right (PRR) politics is moving from the fringes to the heart of mainstream political discourse.

This collaborative research, co-authored by Professor Daniele Albertazzi and visiting postgraduate researcher Mirko Crulli, has been published in the open-access West European Politics journal.

Professor Albertazzi, Co-Director of CBE, asserts that the findings challenge the prevailing belief that PRR parties can be overlooked as peripheral entities in European politics. "The radical right is no longer the outsider; it's shaping the core of political debate and is already increasingly taking part in government coalitions across the continent," he stated.

The study emphasizes that while nativist and authoritarian values may not have become mainstream yet, the rise of populism has undeniably altered our understanding of what mainstream politics entails. "Populism has become a defining feature of contemporary politics, influencing party strategies and ideologies across Europe," Professor Albertazzi explained.

This research not only underscores the evolving nature of political norms in Europe but also showcases the CBE's commitment to fostering opportunities for junior scholars. Mirko Crulli's contribution and collaboration as a visiting postgraduate researcher in 2022 exemplifies the CBE's role in supporting emerging voices in political research.

As PRR ideologies continue to integrate into mainstream parties, the implications for democracy in Europe are profound. The study calls for a reassessment of how political entities engage with the public and each other in this rapidly changing environment.

More information: Mirko Crulli et al, The 'mainstream' in contemporary Europe: a bi-dimensional and operationalisable conceptualisation, West European Politics (2024). DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2024.2359841

Provided by University of Surrey