Frigid alien planet may offer a glimpse at Earth's distant future
The first rocky planet ever spotted orbiting a burned out star called a white dwarf offers a glimpse of what may be in store for Earth billions of years from now.
Scientists unravel the process of pore formation in cells
The formation of pores by a particular protein, gasdermin D, plays a key role in inflammatory reactions. During its activation, an inhibitory part is split off. More than 30 of the remaining protein fragments then combine to form large pores in the cell membrane, which allow the release of inflammatory messengers.
The cost of climate change
There has been a lot of outrage and backpedaling from political parties in B.C. about the B.C. carbon tax.
Underground 'telescopes'
We put optical observatories on tops of high mountains to get them above the clouds and away from our light pollution. Radio observatories are usually put in bowls in mountains ranges or in other locations screened from the cacophony of manmade radio interference.
On remote Greek island, migratory birds offer climate clues
Gently holding a blackcap warbler in his palm, ornithologist Christos Barboutis blew on its feathers to reveal the size of its belly: a good indicator of how far the bird can migrate.
'I need to go': Floridians make final preparations for Hurricane Helene
Across the northern Florida coast, most small towns were deserted on Thursday, with stores closed and windows boarded up to protect against the high winds and potentially devastating storm surge of Hurricane ...
Stay or go? Pacific Islanders face climate's grim choice
Rising waters are slowly but surely swallowing Carnie Reimers's backyard in the Marshall Islands, pushing her toward an agonizing choice: stay in the only home she's ever known or leave and face the prospect ...
Advanced data shed light on gravitational basins of attraction that shape the movement of galaxies
A new study has mapped out the gravitational basins of attraction in the local universe, offering fresh insights into the large-scale cosmic structures that shape the movement of galaxies. The study has ...
Frigid alien planet may offer a glimpse at Earth's distant future
The first rocky planet ever spotted orbiting a burnt-out star called a white dwarf offers a glimpse of what may be in store for Earth billions of years from now.
Earth to capture a 'second moon' this weekend, NASA says
Earth will capture a miniature, "second moon" this week, according to NASA scientists.
Why hypoglycemia-induced glucagon secretion becomes impaired in diabetes
Findings indicate that excessive somatostatin inhibits glucagon secretion in type 1 diabetes, offering a novel target for hypoglycemia management strategies.
Scientists identify structural basis of stitched-together protein complexes that recycle most proteins in cells
Scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys have developed a clearer picture of how crucial machinery in the human cell's recycling process for obsolete and misshapen proteins—known as proteasomes—are formed.
Marine dust identifies 1.5 million year Oldest Ice near South America
Earth's climate has experienced major shifts over its billions of years of history, including numerous periods where ice proliferated across the planet. Today, ice cores can be a valuable resource for ...
Exploiting quantum squeezing to enhance precision of measurements in systems with multiple factors
Quantum squeezing is a concept in quantum physics where the uncertainty in one aspect of a system is reduced while the uncertainty in another related aspect is increased.
Study uncovers first evidence of a volcanic spatter cone on Mars
While working under Erika Rader, an assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Spatial Sciences at University of Idaho, a postdoctoral researcher identified a volcanic vent on Mars as a potential ...
Researchers crack a key problem with sodium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and grid energy storage
Lithium-ion batteries have long dominated the market as the go-to power source for electric vehicles. They are also increasingly being considered for storage of renewable energy to be used on the electric ...
Study suggests moon may have been captured from space rather than formed from collision particles
Over six missions to the moon, from 1969 to 1972, Apollo astronauts collected more than 800 pounds of lunar rock and soil. Chemical and isotopic analysis of that material showed that it was similar to ...
Water flux recovers asynchronously after snow damage in subtropical forest, study shows
Forests play a crucial role in the global water cycle. However, only a few studies have investigated post-damage radiative forcing of evapotranspiration and its underlying processes in forests.
Wall lizards shed light on how animals prevent harm in territorial disputes
A study appearing in Behavioral Ecology shows that in male wall lizards, certain behaviors have a greater influence on the way they resolve territorial disputes than their size and coloration.
Discovering quasiparticles ejected from color centers in diamond crystals
A research group led by University of Tsukuba has observed the cooperative behavior of polaron quasiparticles formed by the collective interaction of electrons and lattice vibrations around color centers ...
Marine debris removal benefits Hawaiian monk seals and ecosystems
Endangered Hawaiian monk seals and other marine life have benefitted from 25 years of large-scale marine debris removal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), according to the cover story in the ...
Update to US precipitation frequency standards now accounts for climate trends
A key scientific NOAA resource on extreme precipitation that is widely used by floodplain managers, city planners, civil engineers, developers and communities across the nation will soon include climate ...
NASA's BioSentinel studies solar radiation as Earth watches aurora
In May 2024, a geomagnetic storm hit Earth, sending auroras across the planet's skies in a once-in-a-generation light display. These dazzling sights are possible because of the interaction of coronal ...
Accelerator lab provides detailed data on the 'magic' N=50 neutron shell closure
Researchers from the Department of Physics of the University of Jyväskylä (Finland) have found new information about the strength of the so-called magic neutron number 50 shell closure in the silver ...
Scientists uncover structural secrets of antiepileptic drugs
RIKEN researchers have discovered how the structure of drugs for treating epilepsy allows them to interact with a key protein found in synapses at the junctions of neurons. This knowledge could help to ...
Extreme El Niño events cause short-term CO₂ fluctuations, researchers find
A recent study challenges previous assumptions about the connection between CO₂ in the atmosphere and temperatures in the tropics. Between 1959 and 2011, the CO₂ content in the atmosphere responded ...
Ancient buried log offers evidence of biomass vaults as cheap way to store climate-warming carbon
A team of researchers with varied backgrounds at the University of Maryland, working with a colleague from Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation, in Canada, reports the viability ...
Chemical engineers provide new insights in CO₂ conversion with electricity
Researchers from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Twente, led by Georgios Katsoukis, have discovered how the chemical environment around copper electrodes can dramatically influence ...
How a protein keeps gene clusters quiet in the cell nucleolus
In a discovery that sheds light on the complex mechanisms of gene regulation, scientists at EPFL have uncovered a critical role for the protein ZNF274 in keeping certain gene clusters turned off by anchoring ...
Seal species carries 'genetic scars' after being hunted to the edge of extinction, new research reveals
Northern Elephant seals have staged a remarkable comeback after narrowly escaping extinction by hunting, but new research reveals lasting genetic effects in the present population.
Climate change accelerates vulnerability and loss of resilience of a key species for the Mediterranean ecosystem: Study
A study by the University of Barcelona has analyzed the ability of red gorgonians (Paramuricea clavata), a key species for the Mediterranean marine ecosystem, to resist and recover after marine heat waves.
Another building block of life can handle Venus' sulfuric acid
Venus is often described as a hellscape. The surface temperature breaches the melting point of lead, and though its atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide, it contains enough sulfuric acid to satisfy ...
New approach reveals details about aerosol properties from hard-to-sample areas in the atmosphere
The spatial distribution of ambient aerosol particles plays a huge role in aerosol–radiation–cloud interactions; however, not enough sampling has been done from the atmospheric boundary layer and ...
Enhancing hurricane forecasts: Simulations reveal reducing estimates of atmospheric friction improves storm predictions
Hurricanes and other extreme weather events are expensive in lives and money. From 1980 to 2023, weather and climate disasters caused about $2.6 trillion in damages in the U.S., according to NOAA estimates. ...
From branches to loops: The physics of transport networks in nature
An international team of researchers described how loops, crucial for the stability of such networks, occur in transport networks found in nature. The researchers observed that when one branch of the ...
'Remarkable' marine animal forests found around Wellington's coast in central New Zealand
Marine animal forests rich in sea life have been found in the shallow waters around Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington.
VXS-1 Squadron continues the mission, tracking potential tropical cyclone
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Scientific Development Squadron ONE (VXS) 1 takes to the skies to deploy observational buoys in front of Hurricane Helene's projected path on Tuesday, Sept. 24 providing ...
Teacher strikes are effective in increasing wages, working conditions, study finds
A detailed study of more than 770 teacher strikes in the United States between 2007 and 2023 found that the strikes benefit teachers and classrooms, and have no measurable impact on students.
Bioengineers and chemists design fluorescent 3D-printed structures with potential medical applications
In a process as simple as stirring eggs and flour into pancakes, University of Oregon researchers have mixed fluorescent ring-shaped molecules into a novel 3D printing process. The result: intricate glowing ...
Research team succeeds in ultra-fast switching of tiny light sources
Extremely thin materials consisting of just a few atomic layers promise applications for electronics and quantum technologies. An international team led by TU Dresden has now made remarkable progress ...
Forest loss forces langur species to interbreed, study shows
Research shows a threatening development for two endangered primate species in Bangladesh: Phayre's langurs (Trachypithecus phayrei) and capped langurs (Trachypithecus pileatus). In mixed groups of these ...
Ryugu samples call into question previous ideas about the formation of carbon-rich asteroids
Asteroid Ryugu possibly did not travel as far from its place of origin to its current near-Earth orbit as previously assumed. New research published in the journal Science Advances suggests that Ryugu ...
Exploring the role of hydrogen sulfide in the expression of iron uptake genes in E. coli
Antibiotic resistance and oxidative stress response are important biological mechanisms that help bacteria thrive, especially pathogenic bacteria like Escherichia coli. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a chemical ...
Green and digital transitions are putting environmental problems on the back burner, says study
The European Green Deal is a package of political initiatives to ensure that the EU reaches climate neutrality by 2050. Faced with this challenge, the parallel goals of the green and digital transitions ...
'My liquid BBL was safe – I still regret it'
Cairo Nakhate-Chirwa booked her procedure on Instagram and has no idea if the practitioner was qualified.
last updated on 28 Sep 00:26