Study reveals impact of homework on student achievement in math and science
Researchers at Maynooth University's Hamilton Institute and Department of Mathematics and Statistics in Ireland have unveiled significant findings on the role of homework in student achievement. The research, ...
Norway reports first cases of bluetongue disease in livestock since 2009
Norway reported Thursday dozens of confirmed and suspected cases of bluetongue, an insect-borne virus that is harmless to humans but can be fatal to sheep and other livestock, for the first time in the ...
Researchers explore physiological and molecular processes underlying graft healing
Grafting has long been a cornerstone in agriculture and forestry, allowing for the propagation of desirable plant traits and improved resistance to environmental challenges. Despite its widespread application, ...
The memory in seeds: How plants carry environmental clues across generations
Phenotypic plasticity enables plants to adjust their physical traits in response to environmental variations, playing a vital role in their survival and adaptability. While past research has primarily ...
Moderate levels of exotic species invasions may help maintain biodiversity, study suggests
Globally, more than 13,000 plant species, equivalent to the entire native flora of Europe, have been naturalized outside their native ranges. A study, jointly conducted by scientists from China and the ...
Australian study finds that lead in the environment is reducing
Efforts to reduce the presence of harmful metals like lead in the environment are having an effect, according to the results of an EPA Victoria study.
Researchers achieve aluminum molecular ring-based rotaxane and polyrotaxane
Rotaxanes have garnered interest for their unique structures consisting of mechanically interlocked axles and macrocycles. Numerous organic macrocycles have been employed to construct rotaxanes, including ...
Greylag geese with similar personalities have higher hatching success, study suggests
Birds of a feather flock together but strong pairing in geese has been shown to produce better breeding results, according to a new study.
Exploring the interplay between phosphate signaling and jasmonate pathways in tea plants
Catechins, the key active components in tea, are known for their protective effects against conditions like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. However, their biosynthesis is highly sensitive ...
last updated on 19 Sep 22:38