Observations provide crucial insights into the nature of a white dwarf–brown dwarf binary
Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astronomers have performed spectrophotometric observations of an eclipsing white dwarf–brown dwarf binary known as WD1032+011. Results of their observational ...
Photoacoustic sensor achieves high-sensitivity detection of multiple greenhouse gases
Recently, Prof. Gao Xiaoming's team from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, developed a novel photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS)-based sensor that enabled simultaneous, ...
Detailed model suggests organic matter on Mars was formed from atmospheric formaldehyde
Although Mars is currently a cold, dry planet, geological evidence suggests that liquid water existed there around 3 to 4 billion years ago. Where there is water, there is usually life. In their quest ...
New computational insights use Marcus theory to unlock the potential of photocatalysis
Dr. Albert Solé-Daura and Prof. Feliu Maseras have explored the application of the Marcus theory, traditionally used to model electron transfer, to estimate the free-energy barriers underlying energy ...
Aversion to inequality drives support for redistribution policies, study finds
As income inequality widens, debates around redistribution policies are heating up. New research from the Universities of Zurich, Lille and Copenhagen reveals that support for these policies stems not ...
Love island: Bird's refusal to leave resort life leads to genetic change
A little yellow-and-white bird that prefers to date its mates in an idyllic island lifestyle rather than fly to the mainland to mingle is an example of avian species evolution in action, according to ...
Convergent evolution study sheds light on how new genes arise
Where do new genes come from? That's the question a team of biological sciences researchers from the U of A set out to answer in a new study.
Assessing the environmental impacts of Brazil's biofuel sector
Mathematical analysis reveals that within Brazil's agriculture and livestock industry, the biofuels sector is most heavily reliant on other sectors with high greenhouse gas emissions.
Researchers uncover why cells struggle to fully change identity in reprogramming efforts
A new study has shed light on the challenges of converting one type of specialized cell into another, a process critical for advances in regenerative medicine. Despite recent progress in the field, a ...
Buzz-pollinating bees shake pollen loose with rapid vibrations and biting, study shows
Bumblebees collect pollen by various methods. Some types of flowers, such as potato plants, need tougher treatment to make them release their pollen. In these cases, the bee uses a technique called "buzz ...
10,000-year-old human DNA provides insights into South African population history
A team of researchers from the University of Cape Town (South Africa) and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany) have analyzed human remains from the Oakhurst rock ...
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind
Scientists of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna and Umeå University find that under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate. The findings are presented ...
Fossil site in Massachusetts reveals 320-million-year-old ecosystem
Researchers have discovered an exceptionally preserved fossil site in Massachusetts that provides a rare glimpse into terrestrial life from over 300 million years ago. The findings, published in Nature ...
Researchers achieve aluminum molecular ring-based rotaxane and polyrotaxane
Rotaxanes have garnered interest for their unique structures consisting of mechanically interlocked axles and macrocycles. Numerous organic macrocycles have been employed to construct rotaxanes, including ...
last updated on 20 Sep 06:57